The Equalizer follows a retired espionage/intelligence officer with a mysterious past, who uses the skills from his former career to exact vigilante justice on behalf of innocent people who are hopelessly trapped in dangerous circumstances. … [Read more...] about The Equalizer
Whitney & Bobbi
More than eight years after her dying, Whitney Houston continues to be the topic of flicks, miniseries, and normal curiosity. When her daughter Bobbi Kristina Brown died in 2015 after being in a coma for six months, followers fondly remembered the bond between the 2. Lifetime beforehand hinted at a deliberate undertaking in regards to the beloved music icon and her daughter. … [Read more...] about Whitney & Bobbi
The Right One
Godfrey is the story of man so traumatized and guilt ridden by a personal tragedy that he's dealt with it in a profound way: he's decided to be anyone but himself. One day he adopts the persona of an Art Critic, then a College Professor, next a singing Cowboy, followed by a rave DJ, and, unconvincingly, as an Argentinian Ballroom Dancer, among others. Godfrey's coping mechanism … [Read more...] about The Right One
Also playing in some theaters today, this based-on-a-true-story drama stars Johnny Depp as a Life Magazine photojournalist who investigates a factory's pollution of a small Japanese coastal village that resulted in numerous cases of mercury poisoning. The film first screened at the 2020 Berlinale a year ago, where critics weren't all that impressed by the result. Starring: … [Read more...] about Minamata
Little Fish
As a memory loss virus runs rampant, one couple fights to hold their relationship together before the disease can erase all memory of their love in this sweeping sci-fi romance. Starring: David Lennon, Heather Decksheimer, Jack O'Connell, Mackenzie Cardwell, Natalie Farrow, Olivia Cooke, Raúl Castillo, Ronald Robinson, Ross Wirtanen, Soko. … [Read more...] about Little Fish
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