Ridley follows charismatic Detective Inspector Alex Ridley, who is retiring from the police after years of dedicated service. After twenty-five years as a homicide copper, Ridley has been nudged out of the job he loves. But the prospect of retirement is not a particularly welcome one as he's been cut off in his prime. Ridley's replacement is Acting DI Carol Farman, his former … [Read more...] about Ridley
Southern Storytellers
The American South is known for its boundless creativity, absorbing personalities and evocative landscapes. SOUTHERN STORYTELLERS, a new three-episode series from PBS, Arkansas PBS, and Peabody Award-winning filmmaker Craig Renaud, follows some of the region's most compelling and influential contemporary creators to the places they call home - the communities that fertilize the … [Read more...] about Southern Storytellers
Human Footprint
Earth has never experienced anything like us: a single species dominating and transforming the planet. Biologist Shane Campbell-Staton travels the globe to explore our Human Footprint and to discover how the things we do reveal who we truly are. … [Read more...] about Human Footprint
Tom Jones
The scandalous tale of a young man's attempt to find a place in the world. … [Read more...] about Tom Jones
The Great American Recipe
Hosted by Alejandra Ramos, this eight-part cooking competition series celebrates the multiculturalism that makes American food unique and iconic, giving talented home cooks from different regions of the country the opportunity to showcase their beloved signature dishes and compete to win the national search for The Great American Recipe. Judges Leah Cohen, Tiffany Derry and … [Read more...] about The Great American Recipe
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