V.C. Andrews' Dawn follows the story of Dawn Longchamp, who after growing up in humble surroundings with a very hardworking family including her devoted father Ormand and older brother Jimmy, suddenly has everything she loves ripped away from her. After discovering the shocking truth about the people who raised her, she is thrust into a new family whose dark and twisted secrets … [Read more...] about V.C. Andrews’ Dawn
Phrogging: Hider in My House
This stranger-than-fiction true crime thriller explores the phenomenon of phrogging – people secretly living inside someone else's home. From the man in the attic to the creeper in the crawl space, each episode features two first-hand accounts of survivors sharing the most skin crawling, twisted and truly terrifying stories imaginable. Along with interviews and key archive … [Read more...] about Phrogging: Hider in My House
Five Guys a Week
The immersive dating series centers on a leading lady each week, looking for love by inviting five men she has selected to move into her actual home. The series pressure tests her potential matches as they all live together in her home, while the guys all vie for her attention. Spending 24/7 time together in cramped living arrangements, the guys will also meet her family and … [Read more...] about Five Guys a Week
Keeping Up with the Joneses
After the death of patriarch Theodore Jones, his second wife Robin, assumed control of the family business, but now Theodore's daughters, Robin's step children, are coming into their own. But now, someone is coming after the family, trying to beat them at their own game. Using threats, blackmail, and even murder, whomever it is will stop at nothing to destroy the family and … [Read more...] about Keeping Up with the Joneses
Sleeping with a Killer
Follows people who have tragic endings at the hands of husbands, wives, former friends, and lovers. … [Read more...] about Sleeping with a Killer
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