"Pucca" is a TV series based on a Flash animation series published by Vooz Character Systems. It follows the trails and exploits of a South Korean girl named Pucca who is insanely in love with a prideful ninja named Garu. Meanwhile, Garu and Pucca help their town of Sooga Village out when evil ninjas attack, as well as diffuse a lot of the absurd situations that frequently … [Read more...] about Pucca
Yin! Yang! Yo!
Two rabbit siblings named Yin and Yang have been trained to use super hero abilities, such as kung fu and magic, to defeat enemies, such as an evil cockroach, and a sexist moose. With the help of their leader Master Yo, the old, arrogant panda, they plan to use the way of Woo Foo to save the world from evil. … [Read more...] about Yin! Yang! Yo!
A.T.O.M.: Alpha Teens on Machines
A.T.O.M. (an acronym of Alpha Teens on Machines) is a French animated television series, which chronicles the adventures of five teenagers (the eponymous Alpha Teens), set in the fictional Landmark City. The Alpha Teens, which consist of Axel Manning, Catalina Leone, Crey Kingston, Zack Hawkes, and Ollie Sharker, test prototype vehicles and weapons for Lee Industries, and use … [Read more...] about A.T.O.M.: Alpha Teens on Machines
Monster Buster Club
Three kids are charged with saving their town from alien invasions with the help of an alien girl named Cathy. Along with her grandfather, they reform a renegade alien hunter club that was founded centuries ago called the Monster Buster Club. … [Read more...] about Monster Buster Club
Winx Club
Bloom, Stella, Flora, Aisha, Tecna and Musa are here to protect the Magic Dimension and go on fun fairy adventures! … [Read more...] about Winx Club
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