Celebrity Bluff is a Philippine comedy game show presented by Eugene Domingo and broadcast by GMA Network. The program premiered nationwide on November 17, 2012 and worldwide on November 24, 2012 via GMA Pinoy TV. The show originally featured the comic-duo Jose Manalo and Wally Bayola as the original members of the "Gangnammms" (also known as Celebrity Bluffers), which now … [Read more...] about Celebrity Bluff
My Daddy Dearest
My Daddy Dearest is a Filipino dramedy series created and written by Denoy Navarro - Punio, under the helm of Don Michael Perez and produced by GMA Network. This series headlines Ogie Alcasid and Jolina Magdangal with JC Tiuseco, and Milkcah Wynne Nacion. The series premiered on June 11, 2012 replacing Alice Bungisngis and her Wonder Walis on GMA early primetime block and June … [Read more...] about My Daddy Dearest
Mundo mo’y akin
Mundo mo'y akin (Your World is Mine) or (Deception international title) is a Filipino drama series created by RJ Nuevas, developed by Denoy Navarro-Punio and produced by GMA Network. It premiered on March 18, 2013 on the network's coveted GMA Telebabad block, replacing Pahiram ng Sandali and on March 19, 2013 worldwide via GMA Pinoy TV. The series concluded its twenty-five-week … [Read more...] about Mundo mo’y akin
Captain Barbell
Captain Barbell is a superhero drama television series based on a character of the same name created by Mars Ravelo. It was aired on Philippine television by GMA Network during weeknights on its primetime block. The series premiered on May 29, 2006, and last aired on January 12, 2007. It also aired worldwide, with a three-week delay on GMA Pinoy TV. Richard Gutierrez plays the … [Read more...] about Captain Barbell
Pinoy Idol
Pinoy Idol was a Philippine interactive reality-based singing competition created and developed by FremantleMedia and 19 Entertainment which aired on GMA Network. The program is a franchise of Pop Idol created by British entertainment executive Simon Fuller, which seeks to discover the best singer or "idol" in the country through a series of nationwide auditions and live … [Read more...] about Pinoy Idol
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