Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy features themes of redemption and the importance of friendships and family told through a series of riveting sequential story arcs. The series follows the newly-formed team who finds a strange artifact keyed only to the DNA of Peter Quill. Upon opening it, Quill unleashes a treasure map leading to a powerful weapon known as the Cosmic Seed which … [Read more...] about Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy
Secrets of Sulphur Springs
Secrets of Sulphur Springs follows 12-year-old Griffin Campbell, whose family has just uprooted their lives to move to a new town and take ownership of an abandoned hotel in hopes of restoring it back to the lively vacation destination it once was. Not long after Griffin begins his first day at a new school, he learns that the hotel he's just moved into is rumored to be haunted … [Read more...] about Secrets of Sulphur Springs
Mickey Mouse Funhouse
The whimsical animated series Mickey Mouse Funhouse introduces preschoolers' first pal, Mickey Mouse, and his friends – Minnie, Goofy, Donald, Daisy and Pluto – to Funny, an enchanted talking playhouse, who takes the Sensational Six on adventures of all types to unique worlds that inspire the imagination. Designed to inspire kids to expand their creative play, encourage wish … [Read more...] about Mickey Mouse Funhouse
Gabby Duran & The Unsittables
Gabby, just landed a gig babysitting alien children from outer space and must now add intergalactic protector to her list of childcare responsibilities. … [Read more...] about Gabby Duran & The Unsittables
Coop & Cami Ask the World
Coop & Cami Ask the World following Cooper and Cameron Wrather, two middle-school siblings who make nearly all of their decisions – both mundane and madcap – by crowdsourcing opinions from the millions of followers of Cooper's online channel, Would You Wrather. … [Read more...] about Coop & Cami Ask the World
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