Q&A is an American television series on the C-SPAN network. Each Q&A episode is a one-hour formal face-to-face interview with a notable person, hosted by C-SPAN founder Brian Lamb. Typical guests on the show include journalists, politicians, authors, doctors and other public figures. C-SPAN's criteria for guests is that they have a personal story and can teach the … [Read more...] about Q&A
The Communicators
With the rapid rate that technology evolves in the 21st century, it is important for the government's telecommunications policy to keep up with the changing environment. This weekly series features talks with legislators, business leaders and experts from the technology sector who discuss topics that influence technology in America for the present and future. … [Read more...] about The Communicators
Morning Hour
Morning Hour is where the U.S. House of Representatives convenes and the members of the House are permitted to speak on a variety of topics. … [Read more...] about Morning Hour
Join C-SPAN every Sunday for conversations with people making the news and the journalists who cover them. Guests come from a wide range of expertise in topics important in today's public affairs: the economy, technology, education, the environment, the military, and many more. Legislators and other experts talk with reporters who cover their shared area of interest on … [Read more...] about Newsmakers
Washington Journal
Washington Journal is an American television series on the C-SPAN network in the format of a political call-in and interview program. The program features elected officials, government administrators and journalists as guests, answering questions from the hosts and from members of the general public, who call into the studio or submit questions via e-mail and social media. The … [Read more...] about Washington Journal
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