La Casa de las Flores revolves around a seemingly successful and idyllic family-run flower business full of dysfunctional secrets. One day, the patriarch finds out his longtime mistress has suddenly passed away and he decides to bring their children into the household alongside his current wife and family who didn't know they existed. The series explores the need to protect and … [Read more...] about La Casa de las Flores
Guerra de Idolos
Guerra de Idolos (War of Idols) is an American telenovela created Mariano Calasso for Telemundo. This series is taped in Mexico and It is the first musical telenovela on Telemundo that will play the genre of Northern Music. This series follows the story of the Solar family, and superstar Julio Cesar Solar, a regional Mexican music idol. A story of betrayal, rivalry, love and … [Read more...] about Guerra de Idolos
La Doña
La Doña
La Doña (the Doña) is an American telenovela produced by Telemundo. It is based on the Venezuelan novel Doña Bárbara created by Rómulo Gallegos. It will be starring by Aracely Arámbula. The previous title was the telenovela "Doña Bárbara", but due to changes its title changed to "La Doña", because the plot of the story would be very different from the 2008 version and would be … [Read more...] about La Doña
El Señor de los Cielos
Aurelio Casillas is about to claim his place as Mexico's wealthiest and most powerful kingpin since the notorious Pablo Escobar. Armed with ruthless ambition and animal-like instincts, Aurelio outsmarts the law and, most importantly, his cartel rivals with a fleet of drug smuggling airplanes — earning him the nickname El Señor de los Cielos (The Lord of the Skies). But when … [Read more...] about El Señor de los Cielos
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