Haunted tells the story of Detective Frank Taylor, who dies two years after the abduction of his son. While investigating a case in which a young boy and his baby-sitter are kidnapped, he faces their abductor, a sinister criminal named Simon. Their encounter leaves Simon dead and Frank nearly so... while in the hospital his soul leaves his body and he can see spirits. When he … [Read more...] about Haunted
Most Terrifying Places in America
We're traveling the country in search of the Most Terrifying Places in America so get ready to get spooked by first hand encounters with real life ghosts! In this hour we explore the mysteries and legends surrounding seven spine tingling sites. … [Read more...] about Most Terrifying Places in America
Scariest Night of My Life
We all have a scary memory that we have locked away – not wanted to relive it. Scariest Night of My Life unlocks that frightening and unnerving memory that at times, is too painful to remember. Individuals will share paranormal nights that they thought they'd never survive when there was no way out – a night that would never end. Scariest Night of My Life is a night they will … [Read more...] about Scariest Night of My Life
Haunted Live
Viewers participate in a live ghost hunt as the Tennessee Wraith Chasers investigate haunted locations across the nation. The TWC performs experiments in hopes of capturing definitive proof of ghosts while fans of the paranormal use webcams streaming on social media to direct the team to areas needing further investigation. It's a revolutionary television experience where … [Read more...] about Haunted Live
The Dead Files
Physical medium Amy Allan and retired NYPD homicide detective Steve DiSchiavi combine their unique and often conflicting skills to solve unexplained paranormal phenomena in haunted locations across America. … [Read more...] about The Dead Files
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